Tag Archive: Xmarks

lastpass acquires xmarks

Just a few minutes ago I received some good news in my inbox. If you remember a few months ago, the bookmark sync service Xmarks was going to shut its doors to users of the service because of high costs. After an overwhelming show of support by its user base, a few companies began to listen and consider purchasing Xmarks. Thanks to the company LastPass “the leading password and data manager” Xmarks lives to sync your bookmarks another day — if you ask me Facebook or Google are the leading password and data managers but that’s another story. Xmarks remains free and for a premium of just $12 dollars you get iPhone and Android apps, advanced features as well as priority support.

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Back on September 27th, 2010 Todd Agulnick Co-Founder and CTO of Xmarks, Inc. announced in the company blog that the Xmarks service would cease operations due to funding issues. The community — which includes myself — would have none of that and not let their beloved cross-browser syncing service go without a fight and it worked! Although not signed and in-writing, Xmarks has received several offers from multiple companies ready and willing to take over operations.

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