Paul Rudd Search Result

So yours truly was searching the internet for Paul Rudd images on Google. While weeding out the potentials for this article, the particular image you see above caught my fancy. Who wouldn’t want to see an image of a naked Paul Rudd in bed covered by a thin bed sheet? The image is from an article over at, the funny thing about it as you can see is that the ad generated by GumGum appears almost over Paul Rudd’s crotch. “As if” the image’s awesomeness by itself wasn’t enough, it is further reinforced by two smiling graduates one of whom thumbs up the image (bonus points for those of you who caught the CLUELESS reference, those who didn’t are probably too young to remember).

Now what the heck was this supposed to be about? Oh yes, someone recently put up a link to Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! Celery Man on Facebook. If you are a sucker for random videos and haven’t seen the clip yet, you’re in for a treat.

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