You have to hand it to Google, they are always improving and innovating their products. Which is what makes them such a successful company. Yesterday, Engineering Director Pavni Diwanji posted about a new security feature in the Official Gmail Blog that notifies users when it detects “suspicious account activity.” What does this mean? Well, let’s say that your significant other is abroad for business this week and both share a Gmail account.  Not only are you accessing the account from different ip addresses but completely different geographical regions, Gmail doesn’t know the former so in turn because of this discrepancy triggers the new feature and prompt you to take action.

Gmail now detects suspicious account activity

Once you decide whether the alert is relevant, you may proceed with ignoring the alert or changing your password.

You can never be too careful when it comes to online security, especially in this age when more is being done online. As Google reminds these notifications are to alert you of suspicious activity but are not a replacement for account security best practices.