Category: Tech

Bye Bye Nokia

Good bye old friend. My love affair with Nokia has ended — actually almost a year ago. I’ve been too busy with life to take the time to post anything on this blog. For now it will be a quick good bye to my beloved Nokia brand. I was just not going to do Windows Phone, no matter how exciting Elop made it sound.

My new phone is less fanaticism and more utilitarian. A Samsung S5 with Touch Wiz — promptly replaced by Nova Launcher. The more I used the S5, the more I realized how much I was handicapping myself with a Belle-based Nokia 808. Still, I miss the awesome 41 MP camera. That’s all for now, gotta go.

Selling Your Phone? Wipe Your Data!

Selling Your Phone? Wipe Your Data!

A recently acquired Nokia 808 purchased through Ebay revealed — much to my surprise — that the seller did not bother to remove any personal information stored on the device.

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Ask Google For Your IP Address

Ask Google For Your IP address

Ask Google For Your IP address

Google has always known your IP address, but now if you need it for something and share my lazyness. You can cut out that extra click by simply typing  “what is my ip address” in the search query box and Google will promptly display your current IP address.  If you’re really lazy, you could just type “ip” and it will work just the same.

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mcabber console image

What if I told you that you could Google Talk with whomever you needed to without the use of a web browser? If you’re a Command-Line fanatic like myself, you will welcome mcabber — a small Jabber console client — into your life!

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