Archive for October, 2011

Ask Google For Your IP Address

Ask Google For Your IP address

Ask Google For Your IP address

Google has always known your IP address, but now if you need it for something and share my lazyness. You can cut out that extra click by simply typing  “what is my ip address” in the search query box and Google will promptly display your current IP address.  If you’re really lazy, you could just type “ip” and it will work just the same.

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BofA plans to charge a $5 dollar debit card fee next year

Let me get this straight? We, the tax payers bailed out these HUGE bank monopolies with our hard earned money and now they want to charge us a $5 dollar fee for using their precious debit cards? Are you kidding me??

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Jan Pehechan-Ho performed by Mohammed Rafi.

Leave it up to the latest “trendy” beer commercial by none other than Heineken to resurrect a catchy Bollywood 60s tune while at the same time confusing the audience and alienating a couple of races.

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