Steve Jobs explains iPhone OS 4 features

Steve Jobs explains iPhone OS 4 features

Apple’s iPhone next operating system update OS 4, will have what handset manufacturers like Nokia and Sony Ericsson have had for years: multi-tasking. The update will only be available for users with an iPhone 3GS, third generation iPod and iPad.

iPhone OS 4 Softwares Quick List:

  • Multi-tasking
  • Folders
  • Improved Mail
  • iBooks
  • iAd mobile advertising solution
  • Game Center

It is no secret that the iPhone revolutionized the multi-touch screen UI standard. What irks me is that ignorant people think its something brand new. The truth is that multi-tasking is a common feature among Nokia devices. The iPhone didn’t have basic features even “dumb” phones (non-smart phones) like MMS until the release of iPhone OS 3.

For an in-depth look check out the links below:

GSM Arena
Boy Genius Report – iPhone OS 4 Screen Shot Gallery

iPhone OS 4.0

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